Monday, November 26, 2012

IT WORKS, or Does It Day 10

      I received my Greens and Fat Fighter on Friday Nov. 16th.  I did the 'BOOST' 2 spoonfuls
( spoon included)  5 x day faithfully.  If I ate something fatty I took 2 fat fighter tablets within an hour of eating.
     On Tues. the 20th I had to go for routine blood work and had a bone density test done.  While there I was measured and weighed.  I used to be 5' 5 1/2" tall.  I've lost an entire inch.  The nurse said I weighed 220.  I'm a little bummed until it dawns on me....I LOST 2 LBS!  :)  
I continued the program even on Thanksgiving.  I ate everything I wanted, but only took small portions.  My plate was still full.  I also had a small slice of pecan pie and 2 alcoholic beverages.
     I was getting low on the Greens so ordered another jar.  Hoping it comes today.  I was only able to have 2 servings yesterday as the jar is now empty.  I was told there would be enough for 10 days but it was more like 8 days.  I got on the scale this morning and I lost another 3 lbs.
I realize it's probably water loss, but I'm happy with that.  5 lbs is 5 lbs.
     Whether 'it's in my head' or not, I felt full while taking the Greens.  I wasn't tempted to snack.  I will continue the Greens with the 2nd jar and see how it goes.
     The Greens came in the mail today, so I'm back to it!


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