Monday, August 18, 2008

8 Month Cardiology Checkup

I was supposed to call my Cardiologist's office the beginning of July for an August appointment but I had forgotten all about it until this past Thursday.
My Dr. is with the Donohue Cardiologists....or he was. I was informed that he left this practice and went with TriState Cardiology. When did this happen? Well, it had been 8 months since my last visit. I was told that patients would be told when they called to set up an appointment. Normally, wouldn't a patient get a phone call or a postcard telling them that their Doctor had moved?
I really like my Cardiologist, Dr. Musselman. He's been 'with me' since I learned I had Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy 8 years ago. He was instrumental in setting up my heart surgery here in Pittsburgh instead of having to travel to the Cleveland Clinic, where I would normally have had to go for my myectomy.
I was told that since all my records were still at Donohue that I could see one of the doctors there but that my health insurance would only cover the office visits, the doctors didn't use the hospitals that my health insurance would cover.
I wanted Dr. Musselman. I'd follow him anywhere.........or at least anywhere where Tom would be willing to take me since I don't drive anywhere but 'local'.
I've been feeling pretty good. Have been walking at night when the temperature is bearable for me. Haven't had any shortness of breath episodes while walking ( we have lots of hills in Pittsburgh).
I am sure I won't have to go back for another 8 months or maybe longer this time.
This past year and a half since my operation has made such a difference in my quality of life. Would I do it again? Hell no. You think I'm crazy?? Once was quite enough, thank you.

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