Tuesday, June 03, 2008

First Week Weigh In

First thing I did when I got up this morning was to weigh myself. It's been one full week today that I started the plan to reset my metabolism and get some of this excess baggage off. I haven't lost any more since a few days ago, but my total weight loss is 12 lbs. I'm certainly not disappointed!

I'm still not hungry though. I cut my breakfast portions in half today. It's not recommended that you do that too often, because supposedly the more food you eat ( every 2-3 hours) your body will learn to use that up as fuel and not store it as fat. I had one egg white ( hard boiled) and 1/4 cup oatmeal.

The first three meals of the day are the easiest for me to do. Even the mid afternoon snack I can do. It's dinner. I'm just NOT hungry!!

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